111+ Web Analytics Tweeter You Must Follow

Twitter is a really powerful tool to get in touch with other internet people. In the last time I was looking for web analytics experts in Twitter and found an excellent resource at the Blog of Rich Page. Even more interesting people I found while doing searches in Twitter and Google. Please let me know If I missed somebody in this list and tweet me. I want to keep this list up to date and I will update it from time to time.

Web Analytics Experts in Twitter:

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Pageviews vs. Visits vs. Visitors

In my opinion it happens too often that these important web analytics terms get mixed up or misunderstood. Sometimes even people that work in the internet industry seem to get confused. Whenever you have doubts if your conversation partner understood these terms right, you should better explain these differences again! See below the official definitions, where i have marked the parts with [!] that are in my experience most often misunderstood. Continue reading

Basic User Stream Analysis With Advanced Segments In Google Analytics

Advanced Segments are very useful for comparing different user streams and illustrating them with graphs. You can find a good explanation how you can create this segments with Google Analytics at the official Google Analytics Blog. The following questions you should always answer in your traffic stream analysis: Continue reading