111+ Web Analytics Tweeter You Must Follow

Twitter is a really powerful tool to get in touch with other internet people. In the last time I was looking for web analytics experts in Twitter and found an excellent resource at the Blog of Rich Page. Even more interesting people I found while doing searches in Twitter and Google. Please let me know If I missed somebody in this list and tweet me. I want to keep this list up to date and I will update it from time to time.

Web Analytics Experts in Twitter:

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7 Reasons Why Good Product Managers Must Be On Twitter

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Icon by Mysitemyway

For some reason people from all over the world are using Twitter like crazy at the moment. Well, actually it is not really surprising, because you can do a lot of cool things with it.  In this post I list and explain my reasons why I use Twitter and why I think every good Product Manager should do so as well: Continue reading

50 Product Managers In Twitter That Are Worth A Follow

Twitter can be a good source of information… if you follow the right people! I think the best thing you can do in Twitter is following other people that have the same job like you! That way you can always stay up-to-date in web product management! I have also created a twitter account for this blog, you can find it here.
Why do I think you should follow these people in Twitter? I think so, because they:

  1. all have experience as product managers => you can learn from them.
  2. they twitter mainly about product management topics => you will not have to read too many offtopic-tweets

Product Managers in Twitter:

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