Efficient SEO Site Analysis With Advanced Google Search Techniques

Advanced Google Search techniques are very useful to analyze competitors or identify sites that stole your content! Also from time to time it is a good thing to check what is going on with your website´s Google index. For the case that your website has just few pages in the index that is pretty easy: you do a site:yoursite.com query and you can see all your pages in the index and check them one-by-one.

Lots of pages in the Google index!

Lots of pages in the Google index!

BUT what if your site has (approximately) hundreds of thousands or even millions of pages in the Google index?
… Well, you will need a looot of patience or even better: You will have to use advanced Google Search Techniques – and that is what this post will be about, so hang on 😉 Continue reading

The Most Popular Quality Assurance Testing Mistakes

You want to upload a bunch of new features and some bug-fixes to your site? Great! You want to avoid nasty side-effects and make sure that it works the same way like it was planned before? …then you will have to do a lot of testing!

Opening new pages with old browsers like IE4 can be fun :-)

Opening new pages with old browsers like IE4 can be fun :-)

Basically this Quality Assurance Phase should take place 2 times:

One time in a test-environment before the deployment to the production server and once again after the new web is live!

To maximize the efficiencies of your testing take care not to do the following mistakes that might lead to wrong observations, unnecessary time-waste or you will end up in overlooking faults:
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11 Very Useful Firefox Plugins For Web Product Managers And Web Designers

A good argument to use the Firefox Browser is the huge amount of useful Plugins and Add-ons. Of course the Download is for free and some of them can really make the daily job of a Web Product Manager easier. Here are my favourites:
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